CNFR 2007 Tie Down Roping Results for the Short Go

As of June 16, 2007 10:16 PM MDT

Place Num Contestant Team College Score
1. 290 Kyle C. VanBiezen UMTW 8.5
2. 057 Benjamin (Ben) T. Mayworth Yes TROY 10.8
3. 373 Roger T. Nonella Yes WHILLS 11.2
4. 031 William (Cody) C. Prescott Yes SARU 17.1
5. 167 John S. Bankhead Yes SAMSU 21.6
6. 039 Billy B. Brunson Yes UARM NS
6. 048 Boyd Quinley Yes UTNM NS
6. 151 Clay E. Acuna NMSU NS
6. 209 Ted J. Walker Yes UID NS
6. 231 Tyler C. Thiel Yes NAU NS
6. 304 Brett V. Heggie Yes NWC NS
6. 344 Justin C. Viles Yes UWY NS