CNFR 2007 Women’s Teams – Interim

As of June 16, 2007 10:18 PM MDT

Place College Abbreviation School Total Points
1. UWY University of Wyoming 677.5
2. SEOKSU Southeastern Oklahoma St Univ 460.0
3. SAMSU Sam Houston State University 365.0
4. NMJC New Mexico Junior College 320.0
5. TARLET Tarleton State University 313.3
6. VERNON Vernon College 305.0
7. HILL Hill College 217.5
8. NMSU New Mexico State University 178.3
9. UNVLV University of Nevada-Las Vegas 175.0
10. NWOKSU Northwestern Oklahoma State University 160.0
11. MCNSU McNeese State University 135.0
12. CAPSLO Cal Poly State University - San Luis Obispo 130.0
13. PANHDL Panhandle State University 130.0
14. LAMAR Lamar Community College 120.0
15. NAU National American University 120.0
16. SDSU South Dakota St Univ 115.0
17. TXAMU Texas A&M University 110.0
18. CUESTA Cuesta College 90.0
19. NEJC Northeastern Junior Coll 90.0
20. UTNM University of Tennessee-Martin 90.0
21. CWYC Central Wyoming College 85.0
22. MTSU Montana State University 78.3
23. FTHAYS Fort Hays State University 70.0
24. NMHIGH New Mexico Highlands University 70.0
25. WTXC Western Texas College 70.0
26. DICKSN Dickinson State University 65.0
27. CWAU Central Washington University 55.0
28. UID University of Idaho 50.0
29. TVCC Treasure Valley Community College 45.0
30. SLCC Salt Lake Community College 30.0
31. UMTW University of Montana, Western 20.0