CNFR 2008 Men’s All-Around – Final

As of June 21, 2008 8:39 PM MDT

Place Num Contestant College Total Points
203 203 Althoff, Wyatt D. New Mexico State University 290.0
310 310 Lockard, Wes G. University of Nevada-Las Vegas 240.0
068 068 Smith, Ryle E. Tarleton State University 185.0
150 150 Prescott, Cody Southern Arkansas University 115.0
214 214 Slone, Jacey (Ace) C. Texas A&M University 95.0
242 242 Bradshaw, Mert L. Cochise College 65.0
041 041 Schafer, Seth M. Panhandle State University 55.0
215 215 Kueckelhan, Quincy Northeast Texas Community College 50.0
092 092 Brunson, Wesley (Wes) C. Univ of Arkansas-Monticello 25.0