CNFR 2009 Steer Wrestling Results for the Short Go

As of June 20, 2009 7:25 PM MDT

Place Num Contestant Team College Score
1. 317 Wyatt J. Smith Yes UMTW 5.1
2. 208 Morgan Grant Yes SAMSU 6.0
3. 087 Jake K. Mitchell WTXAMU 6.5
4. 246 Cole A. Dorenkamp Yes LAMAR 6.8
5. 224 Brent J. Sutton Yes SDSU 8.3
6. 166 Justin T. Simon Yes CAZC 10.0
7. 140 Kyle B. Irwin Yes WOKSC 13.3
8. 047 Jake A. Shaw Yes MVC NS
8. 102 Casey J. Harmon Yes VERNON NS
8. 152 Colt T. Stearns Yes NWOKSU NS
8. 180 Jason L. Thomas Yes PANOLA NS
8. 302 Riley M. York Yes FEATHR NS